


Role UX / UI
Business  AutoProtect Group
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Click4Warranty aims to enhance the CX and increase conversion rates by streamlining their quote journey. As a UX specialist, I conducted an in-depth audit of the existing process, identifying opportunities for optimisation and improvement.

To begin, I analysed the current quote journey, identifying pain points, inefficiencies, and areas where the user experience could be significantly enhanced. By understanding the user’s perspective and the challenges they faced, I was able to develop a strategic plan for optimisation.

Quote Journey App Screens

Next, I focused on streamlining the quote process, reducing the number of steps from 11 to 7. Our user testing confirmed that the simplification significantly improved the UX by reducing friction and allowing customers to access their quote earlier in the journey. Additionally, I incorporated product comparison functionality within the same page, eliminating the need for modal pop-ups and providing users with a more seamless and efficient experience.

To further enhance the user experience, I recommended the development team implement in-line validation for critical data entry steps. This feature provided immediate feedback to users, helping them to identify and correct errors quickly and easily. By minimising the potential for errors, I contributed to a more streamlined and efficient quote process.

Finally, I moved the declaration to the final acceptance step, ensuring that users were not distracted and could focus on completing the quote process without interruptions. This strategic decision allowed users to make informed decisions without being pressured to accept terms at an earlier stage.


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