
UX Audit, Wireframing, CX


Role UX Audit, Wireframing, CX
Company  AutoProtect Group
Product iClaim SaaS


The primary goal of this project was to enhance the repairer experience on the platform by identifying and addressing critical UX issues.

UX Audit Screens

By conducting a thorough UX analysis based on customer feedback gathered through CSAT and CES surveys, I uncovered specific areas where the platform’s design or functionality was hindering the repairer journey. This would enable us to determine which UX concerns had the most significant impact on customer satisfaction and overall user experience. Ultimately, the insights gained from this analysis would inform the development of targeted improvements and enhancements, ultimately driving customer loyalty and business success.

By implementing robust data validation checks and providing clear, user-friendly guidelines, we successfully enhanced the accuracy of information submitted by repairers. This resulted in a significant improvement in claim processing efficiency, allowing the business to reduce average claim processing time by 26% and increase platform adoption by 18% within six months of implementing the UX improvements

As a key recommendation, I proposed the development of a dedicated mobile app to enhance repairer mobility during the claim process, allowing them to take photos of the vehicle or parts that they were reporting and add those directly to the claim without switching devices. The mobile app wireframe prototype is currently in testing, and its successful implementation is expected to further enhance the repairer UX.


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